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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • BBC South 50 years: Episode 19 The News

    🎬BBC South 50 years: Episode 19 The News. A series of 19 mini-features made by BBC South at Southampton in 2011 to celebrate the station's 50 year history.

    Episode 19 The News. How the news has changed over the years. In the early days it was mainly voiced over captions and still photos. Also a look at Vox Pops and encounters with animals.

    NFG are indebted to the BBC staff at Southampton for their help in sourcing items for the archive. See more episodes in the Category - BBC South.
  • Eve And The Holly Harvest (1919)

    🎬British Pathé – Harvesting holly in the New Forest. "What a poor old festive season it would be without a touch of holly!" Deep in the New Forest we found the holly harvesters." Various shots of girls harvesting holly in the New Forest in Hampshire. They pull down holly trees by hauling on ropes and cut down single branches. They tie the holly into bunches. Finished holly bunches are loaded on to horse and cart with pitchforks. Horse and cart move off through forest with girls walking alongside. Cute end shot of two young children carrying holly bunches walking towards camera. This is presumably shot around Christmas time. No C/Us of the girls but nice pictorial quality to the shots
  • Land Army Girls Cutting Xmas Trees (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Land Army girls cutting down Xmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest. Unissued / unused material. Land army girls cut Christmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hampshire. C/U man standing by Fordson Tractor, pan with him as he gets into tractor. Various shots Land Girls stacking up Xmas trees. M/S two girls sawing root away from tree. C/U girl stacking. M/S girl picking up trees and throwing them on pile. L/S girls cutting and stacking the trees
  • Ride To Stonehenge (1938)

    🎬British Pathé – A group of horse riders pay a visit to Stonehenge. Salisbury, Wiltshire. Item title reads - Stonehenge. Salisbury, Wilttshire. (LNER). Various shots as a group of people ride along on horseback. M/S as they ride past Stonehenge. M/S as people sit and watch. L/S of the riders. M/S of Stonehenge
  • Severe Forest Fires Ravage Countryside (1933)

    🎬British Movietone - Aerial of the fire. Possibly the New Forest. Aerial of forest near Bournemouth on fire. Close shot of troops acting as beaters and quelling fire whilst wearing gas-masks. Close shots of troops fighting fires.
  • BBC South 50 years: Episode 10 Home Movies

    🎬BBC South 50 years: Episode 10 Home Movies. A series of 19 mini-features made by BBC South at Southampton in 2011 to celebrate the station's 50 year history.

    Episode 10 Home Movies. One of a series of features which celebrate BBC South's 50 years of broadcasting. Chris Coneybeer takes a look at cine footage filmed by BBC South viewers. Thanks to Nick Haslam, Dave Clark, Jonathan Sayers, Paul Hilton, Lionel Joseph and David Palmer.

    NFG are indebted to the BBC staff at Southampton for their help in sourcing items for the archive. See more episodes in the Category - BBC South.


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