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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Carne Of The Glosters Home (1953)

    🎬British Pathé – Colonel Carne talks of his experiences behind bars in a North Korean PoW camp. CU Colonel Carne (for title) LV Empire Orwell. SV Glisters on board tug. CU shoulder flash "Glisters". CU Gloucester. SV Colonel Carne. SCU Colonel Carne. CU Colonel Carne. SCU. Carne speaking (natural sound): "A number of statements have been published in the press about the treatment of Prisoners of War (PoW)... ...Chinese methods of punishment are primitive... I am sharing my experience... but happy to be home..." I have gained and added pride in being British, and I have lost a little weight!" SV from tug, Glisters waving to people ashore. SCU PoW waving. SV tug "Calshot" pulling alongside. CU man points to relative, and preens himself. SV Carne walking through crowd supported by M.Ps. CU soldier being greeted by womenfolk. CU another soldier being greeted. CU Sergeant Major Ridlington with children. CU Captain Bill Morris and fiancee Rosemary Board. STV crowds P.O.W.s and relatives. CU Col. Carne
  • Cowes Regatta (1955)

    🎬British Pathé – At Cowes Regatta, Duke of Edinburgh enters with his racing dinghy Coweslip. Cowes, Isle of Wight. GV. Royal yacht Britannia in Cowes harbour. SCV. Alongside Britannia, the Duke of Edinburgh is coming down gangway to board his racing yacht Coweslip. CU. Girl on shore looking through telescope. SV. Prince Philip sailing the Cowslip. GV. Over people on shore to Royal yacht squadron in Solent ready for start. SCU. Starting cannon - it fires. GV. Yachts racing. CU. People on racing yacht. SCU. Duke racing Cowslip.
  • Cuts - Out Takes For Pass Out Day In G 1356 (1926)

    🎬British Pathé – Out takes (rushes, cuts) for PASS OUT DAY in G 1356. The original story PASS OUT DAY. Shots are the same or similar to those in edited version of story.
  • Britain Is Supreme In The Air - Machine And Man! (1931)

    🎬British Pathé – Mixed material about the winning of the 1931 Schneider Trophy seaplane race. Full title reads: "Calshot. Britain is Supreme in the Air. Schneider Trophy won by Flt. Lt. Boothman outright for Britain at an average of 340.6 mph." Calshot, Hampshire. A seaplane speeds across water. Unidentified man applauded on British Naval vessel. More shots of seaplane. Shots of speedboats racing. Shots of pilot drinking on board warship. CU of pilot with sailor. N.B. This item is completely mixed up and makes no sense. There is also a missing intertitle which should read: "then Flt. Lt. Stainforth went up and shattered the world's record averaging over 378 miles per hour." This and extra material are found at 859.21
  • Discovering England - Isle Of Delight (1930)

    🎬British Pathé – "Main title reads: ""Mr H. de Vere Stacpoole continues his search for homeland beauty spots. (By arrangement with ""Daily Express"")"". Isle of Wight: Mr Stacpoole and a female companion (probably his wife) are seen in their car on a ferry boat. Scenic shots of the Isle of Wight with fancy black masks/frames. Ventnor Pier and views of beautiful gardens with a waterfall. Two women stand on a bridge before the waterfall and wave to the camera. C/U of Lilies. Shot of a sea front promenade. More scenic views of the island."
  • Keepers Of The New Forest (2002)

    🎬A look at the work of The Forestry Commission Keepers. Described by the Keepers themselves.

    Please note this film includes a deer cull sequence.

    Martin Noble
    Andy Page
    John Gulliver

    Carnyx Wild ©2002


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