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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Lady Baden Powell (1924)

    🎬British Pathé – Girl Guides from every nation meet on a camp in the New Forest. Title: "LADY BADEN POWELL. Visits Girl Guides of all nations in camp in the New Forest". M/S of Lady B-P walking between two lines of Guides of different nationalities. C/U of Lady B-P standing surrounded by Guides - on one arm stands an Indian Guide on the other is a Guide from an Islamic country. C/U of two Caucasian Guides from different countries. C/U of two more Guides, one has a tiny Danish flag tied to her woggle. C/U of the Guide from an Islamic country wearing a veil. C/U of Lady B/P standing next to a Guide from an Far Eastern country. M/S of a Guide using bellows to encourage a camp fire beneath a cooking pot, pan to two Guides sitting on the ground peeling potatoes. M/S of two Guides posting letters in a mail box (their embroidered bonnets suggest they may be Scandinavian!). M/S of a group of Guides sitting around their Guide Leader - they appear to be breaking up a tree branch to make a camp fire
  • Discovering England (1930)

    🎬British Pathé – The author Mr H. de Vere Stacpoole visits various British beauty spots including Stonehenge. No title. A car drives down a country lane away from the camera. The car then approaches the camera. Mr Stacpoole - author of "The Blue Lagoon" is out and about visiting British beauty spots. Shot of a country scene. Thatched cottages in Wiltshire. Stonehenge and its refreshment rooms. Shaftesbury and Shaston in Dorset - idyllic country scenes. A horse and cart on a village street, car driving on country lanes, child walking up a very steep hill, "Pine Walk", general views of the countryside. Traditional views of the beautiful British countryside and its picturesque villages. Note: see also "Isle of Delights" EP023. This is Mr H. de Vere Stacpoole
  • Discovering England - Isle Of Delight (1930)

    🎬British Pathé – "Main title reads: ""Mr H. de Vere Stacpoole continues his search for homeland beauty spots. (By arrangement with ""Daily Express"")"". Isle of Wight: Mr Stacpoole and a female companion (probably his wife) are seen in their car on a ferry boat. Scenic shots of the Isle of Wight with fancy black masks/frames. Ventnor Pier and views of beautiful gardens with a waterfall. Two women stand on a bridge before the waterfall and wave to the camera. C/U of Lilies. Shot of a sea front promenade. More scenic views of the island."
  • Forest Heritage (ESSO) (1952)

    🎬 The New Forest. A film exploring the rich landscape, people and forest traditions in the post war years.

    18th century Agisters and pigs with rights to wander are just some of the ancient traditions celebrated in this beguiling look at life in the New Forest. Less familiar sights are captured, too, such as broom making and logging, forestry planting and sailing on the River Beaulieu near Buckler's Hard. No film about the area would be complete, though, without the famous Forest ponies – who are seen here in all their equine glory.

    Filmmaker Roy Layzell made many films during this period including other local area films such as Pipelines Under Southampton Water in 1957.

    Clifton Parker was a renowned British composer. With nearly 50 feature films under his belt, including The 39 Steps in 1959 and Sink The Bismark in 1960.

    John Snagge (OBE) was the voice of the BBC from the war years to his retirement in 1980.

    Featuring John Snagge
    Music by Clifton Parker
    Filmed and Directed by Roy Layzell
    Original Cinema Release 1952

    The film was commissioned by the Esso Petroleum Company in 1952, just as they were establishing a new refinery on the eastern edge of the New Forest at Fawley, but Forest Heritage is entirely concerned with the natural beauty and traditions of the area: ‘A place out of this modern world where simple pleasures are enough – a miraculous survival of pre-Norman England’.
  • Southampton, A Tram Journey (1900)

    🎬An unnamed local filmmaker set up his camera on the top deck of a Southampton Tram. The result is a wonderful window on life in the last year of the Victorian age.

    Southampton 1900, A Tram Journey. Starting at North Gate, Bargate Arch. North along Above Bar Street. Finishing at The Clock Tower, Palmerston Park.
  • BBC South 50 years: Episode 1 BBC South

    🎬BBC South 50 years: Episode1 BBC South. A series of 19 mini-features made by BBC South at Southampton in 2011 to celebrate the station's 50 year history.

    Episode 1 BBC South. Steve Humphrey tells the story of BBC South from the first broadcasts of South at Six. Introductory footage is from the British Pathé Archive.

    NFG are indebted to the BBC staff at Southampton for their help in sourcing items for the archive. See more episodes in the Category - BBC South.


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