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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Cabinet Goes To The Seaside (1946)

    🎬British Pathé – Cabinet Ministers take time off from Labour Party Conference in Bournemouth. C/U of newspaper clipping with headline "Cabinet goes to the seaside". Bournemouth, Dorset. Cabinet Ministers take time off from Labour Party Conference. C/U of "Bournemouth" sign at railway station. Panning shot from Bournemouth pier to pavilion. M/S of Mrs Bevin and Ernest Bevin, Foreign Secretary, leaving hotel. Various shots of other Socialist cabinet ministers. We see Jim Griffiths (Insurance Minister) lighting a cigarette, Herbert Morrison walking with wife and two young women (his daughters?), Tom Williams (Agriculture Minister) walking on promenade, Hugh Dalton and wife admire view from cliff top, Ellen Wilkinson (Education Minister) walking past shops, Emanuel Shinwell chatting with friends, Dr Edith Summerskill, the Food Minister's Parliamentary Secretary, strolling and Professor Harold J Laski signing autographs
  • Needles Lighthouse (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – A look at the three lighthouse keepers on the Needles lighthouse off the Isle of Wight. Needles lighthouse. Three lighthouse keepers keep watch. Solent, off Isle of Wight. Various shots as the boat with one relief lighthouse keeper and more food arrives at the Needles. L/S of the keeper who is going home, he waves from the top of the lighthouse. M/S as new keeper climbs the steps to the lantern and unscrews the bulb to polish it, another is cleaning the glass outside. M/S as one walks out with a mat and sits down. M/S of another writing a letter home. M/S man stitching mat. The other one rolls up his letter and puts it in a bottle. M/S as he throws it out to sea where it may drift home.
  • Pony Roundup (1959)

    🎬British Pathé – Three times a year the wild ponies are rounded up. Some go for sale, some are set free, and some injured ponies are cared for, or humanely put down. The sequences show the ponies in the wild - the chase by the four 'Agisters' and their teams. The Agisters each look after a quarter of the forest including the ponies, who are owned by 'Commoners' Horsemen are seen galloping across open land rounding up the ponies. The ponies are herded into pens in a woodland clearing. A man cuts hair from a pony's tail. The story ends with the ponies trotting off having been set free
  • The Pony Fair (1933)

    🎬British Pathé – Beaulieu Road Station pony sales. Nice footage of a horse and pony fair in the New Forest. "Down in the New Forest, they hold an annual pony fair, where from far and wide buyers collect together." M/S of a man selling buggy whips. People stand around and listen to his patter (silent film) C/U of a man slicing bread - this is probably an open air sandwich stall. C/U of a stall laden with bottles of wine and pies! The pies are stacked one on top of the other - no unnecessary packaging here! M/S of a large horse pulling a cart with people sitting inside it. M/S of lots of ponies standing in a pen. "Ponies and horses of the New Forest, all sorts and sizes - smooth and shaggy." M/S of the horses in their pens, crowded together. M/S of three ponies standing together - cute. M/S of man running across the paddock with horse on a rope - showing him off. Frisky young pony bucks at the end of a rope. His owner slaps him on the rump. "All to pass under the hammer and find homes, perhaps many miles away." Various shots of ponies being pulled around by ropes. High angle shots of the crowds standing beside pens. "For the buyers - a willing servant - for the sold, alas, separation from Mother and their beloved New Forest home." Low angle shot of some ponies in the wild. Was an item in Eve's Film Review issue number 633
  • Ponies By Auction (1964)

    🎬British Pathé – Footage of New Forest ponies being rounded up and branded. L/S Pan foresters move away on their horses. M/S Notice "Caution animal roundup". L/S Pan Ponies galloping across moors. L/S Pan forester chasing ponies. L/S Pan another forester chasing more ponies. L/S Pan. As the ponies are herded towards farm enclosure. L/S Pan as one stray pony is chased around to the enclosure. L/S Group of ponies in enclosure. M/S Forester grabs ponies tail to cut it. C/U As he cuts pony's tail. C/U One of the ponies. M/S Another forester cuts pony's tail. L/S Pan the pens and sales ring. M/S Ponies coming into sale ring. L/S Group of ponies in ring. M/S Auctioneer. M/S Pony in the ring. C/U Man watching. L/S Pony and foal in ring. M/S Auctioneer makes sale. L/S The pens and sale ring

    🎬British Movietone - We're going to great pains to make sure the Great Bustard doesn't escape again. Europe's largest bird hasn't bred here since 1806. Now preservationists hope to install six of the birds, from Portugal, in ideally protected conditions on Salisbury Plain.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.


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