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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Avengers On Location (1966)

    🎬British Pathé – Fabulous item shows the filming of several veteran car tag pieces for TV series 'The Avengers'. At Lord Montagu's Motor Museum we see the filming of the 'tag' pieces for episodes of The Avengers television series, where Diana Rigg and Patrick Macnee drive off in a vintage car - a different one each time. Several shots of the cast and crew in the grounds of Beaulieu; Patrick Macnee chats to Lord Montagu. Patrick and Diana get into a veteran car; Diana puts on a groovy kind of face/eye shield and they drive off; they stop and the director gives instructions to Diana; as they start off again funny business ensues as Diana puts her feet up, then jumps from the car, leaps back in, clutches her head and so on. Diana, in an evening outfit of a chiffon over harem pants, has her make-up touched up. Another sequence is shot with a different vintage car; when it doesn't start, Diana gets from the back seat into the front and prepares to drive while Patrick goes to the rear to push, and ends up with a blackened face from the exhaust. He gets in; Diana drives off. Commentator says the crew are trying to complete all these end sequences in one day's shooting. Diana, in a blue cat suit, chews gum while receiving direction. In this sequence, Diana and Patrick start to push the veteran car which zooms off without them as they chase after it. Note: according to a press release on file, this series was the first in Colour. More details in notes on the clothes worn and the filming of these tag pieces; Diana's costumes were designed by Alan Hughes; Patrick wore his own suits! Cuts exist - see separate record
  • Three Hundred Miles An Hour (1928)

    🎬British Pathé – Flight Lieutenant Kinkead's RAF 'wonderplane' fails to take off in his bid to beat the world air speed record. Full titles read: "300 Miles an hour? - Bad luck mars first attempt of Flight Lt. Kinkead & R.A.F. wonder 'Plane to beat World record." Calshot, Hampshire. M/S of Flight Lieutenant Kinkead climbing into the cockpit of his plane, the Supermarine Napier S.5.; L/S of the plane being wheeled down a ramp into the sea. L/S of the plane picking up speed for takeoff, then slowing down - something is wrong! L/S of the plane being towed back towards the quay by a boat; Flight Lt Kinkead is seen climbing from the plane and onto the shoulders of a waiting rescue man, standing thigh-deep in the water. The man carries Kinkead on his shoulders to the quayside ramp (oh, the shame!), where he jumps down and walks off - it looks quite comical
  • Beaulieu Issue Title - Saxon To Norman (1937)

    🎬British Pathé – Scenic views of the Hampshire village of Beaulieu and the countryside around it. Story featuring scenes around Beaulieu. Part of the SAXON TO NORMAN issue. Various shots of this pretty Saxon New Forest village. A horse and carriage goes along a street. Various shots of the scenic countryside around the village, including Beaulieu Heath. Shots of the nearby river. Shots of Beaulieu abbey. Shots of the remains of the Cloister gardens

    🎬British Movietone - Ponies of the New Forest have survived the centuries, but today their future in the unfenced forest is threatened by the motor car. However the annual auction sales still prove their popularity and Hampshire is determined to preserve this example of the England of a bygone age.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Their Home Is Bulldozed (1956)

    🎬British Pathé – Mrs Mitchell fights for her home. Ringwood, Hampshire. Defying Hampshire County Council's ban, widow Mitchell plans to rebuild the half-finished house the council bulldozed. GV. Mrs Mitchell's partly demolished house. LV. Mrs Mitchell in front of her shack (improvised) feeding chickens. CU. Four pigs waiting to be fed in pen. SCU. Mrs Mitchell feeding pigs. SV. Mrs Mitchell walks to wheelbarrow, picks it up and wheels it out of picture to her demolished house site. GV. Mrs Mitchell wheeling barrow partly filled with bricks. She tips up barrow to empty bricks. CU. Mrs Mitchell pushing barrow over to empty bricks. SV. Mrs Mitchell's son and daughter clearing bricks from the rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell's daughter helping load bricks into the barrow. SV. Mr Desmond Bailey, who helped to build the house, calls over Mrs Hughes' son Ian for consultation with plans for construction of another house. CU. Mr Bailey and Ian consulting over plans. CU. Pencil pointing to plans on paper of new house. LV. Mr Bailey and Ian Hughes marking out for new house. LV. Mrs Mitchell with the help of neighbours lifting off window frame from heap of rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell carrying window frame with help of neighbour. GV. Mrs Mitchell with neighbours still clearing away rubble from the bulldozed site

    🎬British Movietone - NO SOUND: Boys, 15 -18yrs old, learn how to build houses, the practical way, Various shots, laying bricks, planing wood,etc. Boys look at plan of house. Various shots of apprentices at work.


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