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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Chimney Stacks Blown Up (1969)

    🎬British Pathé – Two 100 foot chimneys are demolished to make way for housing estate. No titles. Chimneys demolished to make way for housing development. Coinfer Park, Lower Parkstone - could be development in Poole / Bournemouth in Dorset. Various shots of two 100 foot chimneys being prepared for demolition. A man pushes gelignite charges into a hole at the base of the chimneys. Good shots of the first chimney falling to the ground after a small explosion at the base. A bulldozer clears away the rubble of bricks and cement. The second tower is demolished and collapses to the ground
  • New Holiday Thrill (1927)

    🎬British Pathé – A race for aeroplanes takes place at Bournemouth racecourse. Item title reads: "A new holiday thrill. Aeroplanes replace horses in races around Bournemouth racecourse. Bournemouth, Hampshire M/S of the racecourse with various parked aircraft. The biplanes take off and skim low over the track in front of the crowd in a sort of race. The camera pans over the scene with the crowds and aeroplanes. Intertitles read: "In the Paddock." "They' re off!" "Neck and Neck"- (or should it be, "prop and prop")" " Won by a "prop".
  • Army Transport Display (1967)

    🎬British Pathé – British military equipment is exercised on Lee-on-Solent beach Location: Lee-on-Solent, England / Great Britain Story about the Royal Corps of Transport mounting an exercise of air and sea support at Lee-on-Solent. MS. Large landing craft on beach, doors open and large Chieftain tank comes ashore. VS. Floating pontoon beaches and various army equipment comes ashore. MS. Army officers watching. MS. DUKW comes ashore and army trucks coming ashore from landing craft. MS. Stalwart lorry coming ashore. (Orig. Neg.) Note: The exercise is titled 'Wagon Trail'. The paperwork includes the an opening address by Brigadier P. H. Henson OBE.
  • Beaulieu Motor Museum (1970-1979)

    🎬British Pathé – Shots of the displays of veteran cars at The National Motor Museum At Beaulieu. Unused / unissued material - Colour material. Beaulieu, Hampshire. CU shiny lamp. Pull out to show very old car. Pan along row of shiny old veteran vehicles in Beaulieu motor museum. Ends on nice shot of car from 1904. Second take of move. More tracking shots along row of cars. CU of emblem on Rolls Royce car. Pull out to show whole car. More shots of rows of other turn of the century vehicles - move in on Rolls Royce emblem. Repeat of tracking move. Some shots show visitors looking at cars. Tilt from roof joist to Rolls Royce. Repeated several time. High angle shots of row of racing cars both old and some fairly modern. Visitors look over the motorcars. VS of bicycles hanging from the roof. Tilt down to Land Speed Record vehicles. Repeat. VS of logo of 'The National Motor Museum At Beaulieu'. Cameraman achieves clean take on third attempt. CU letters on side of car saying "1000 HP Sunbeam - The first car in the world to attain a speed of over 200 mph". Various General views around museum
  • Druids Hail The Dawn (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Druids await first rays of midsummer sun to start ritual which acclaims the longest day. Full title reads: "DRUIDS HAIL THE DAWN". Stonehenge, Salisbury, Wiltshire. General view of Stonehenge at dawn - sun rising, Pagans gathered for the ceremony which acclaims the longest day. Long shot of the Pagan ceremony of Hailing the Dawn. Sightseers standing on stones. Chief Druid dropping wand. Side shot, small dog in centre of circle walks over to wand lifter, sniffs and walks away. Close up shot of Chief Druid. Side view, Chief Druid getting ready to perform rite. Flame burning. Drinking ceremony. People looking on. Chief Druid lifts wand. Man bowing on top of stones. Long view of the ceremony amidst stones. Sun rising over Stonehenge. Man lifts head, looks round and disappears behind rock
  • Army Gets A Ship (1964)

    🎬British Pathé – The British army get a logistics ship - the Sir Lancelot loader. Full title reads: "Marchwood. Army gets A Ship". Marchwood, Hampshire. The British army get a logistics ship - the Sir Lancelot loader. GV The Sir Lancelot loader with its bow loading bay open. GV The open bay. SV Ramp being lowered. GV Looking along deck to bridge. CU Captain Ploughman (of the Merchant Navy) on the bridge. CU Ditto. Pan down to show him moving control lever. CU Close circuit TV screen showing the loading ramp at the stern of the ship. GV Tank on the ramp at the stern pan. up to show helicopter coming in to land on the ship. SV Helicopter landing. GV Tank moving along the ramp into the hold of the ship. SV ditto. LV Looking along the hold to the ramp at stern which the tank is moving along. SV ditto. SV Pan Jeep going up ramp from lower deck to top deck. SV ditto. GV The top deck. AS Bofors anti-aircraft gun in action. SV ditto. GV The Sir Lancelot


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