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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • At Home With Badgers (1978)

    🎬A look at Eric Ashby's commitment to the study & welfare of Badgers. Particularly those of the New Forest. Narrated by David Attenborough.

    It looks at his ground breaking approach to filming badgers 'close up' in a purpose built Sett. He encouraged wild badgers to visit his sett and use it as if it were there own out lying retreat.

    This is Eric's third noteable film for the BBC. Previous films: The Unknown Forest (1961). The Major (1963). Eric also wrote two books. The Secret Life of the New Forest (1989). My Life With Foxes (2000). Eric died on 6th Feb 2003.

    Narrated by David Attenborough
    Filmed and Directed by Eric Ashby
    Film Editor Charles Aldridge
    Sound Hugh Pearson
    Series Editor Mick Rhodes
    Produced by Caroline Weaver
  • New Forest Life (2006)

    🎬 (aka) A NEW LIFE - Chris Packham looks at the £2.9m project to restore the New Forest's wetlands. The New Forest Life Partnership. Sustainable Wetland Restoration in the New Forest. The documentary was filmed over four years to show the work undertaken and the impact on the Forest's wetlands.

    Presenter Chris Packham
    Filmed by Manuel Hinge
    Editor Peter Dobson
    Carnyx Wild ©2006 & 2015

    The Restoration Project ran from 2002 to 2006.
    The project restored a total of:
    🟢261 hectares of riverine woodland
    🟢18 hectares of bog woodland
    🟢141 hectares of wet grassland
    🟢184 hectares of valley mire
    🟢10 kilometres of river

    More Information (Copy & Paste):
  • How KING HENRY VIII Demolished Beaulieu Abbey (2022) with Julie Montagu

    🎬 Part of the AMERICAN VISCOUNTESS series of programmes that looks at Britain's stately homes.

    Not only is Beaulieu home to the National Motor Museum, but also to the extraordinary ruins of Beaulieu Abbey, which date back to the foundation of the monastery here in the thirteenth century. The more I visit historic houses around Britain, the more I realise how many of them have monastic roots.

    In this episode, Lord Montagu guides me around some of the surviving buildings and shows me the exquisite wall hangings, stitched by his mother, which chart the history of the abbey. I also explore a hidden part of the Beaulieu estate where the well used by the monks still survives today. And I end my visit at the newly restored ice house – a glimpse back to the days when historic houses functioned more like life in the tv series, Downton Abbey.
  • Hold Your Horses, A Secret Life (1950)

    🎬Gaumont British Instructional Film includes wonderful sequences of a Pony Drift 70 years ago. Plus great shots of city life that still embraced horses.

    New Forest ponies shown living on the open forest. A young horse named 'Tuppence' dreams of what it's like to be grown up. He imagines all types of roles for a grown up horse.

    Working Horses in London merge seamlessly with modern motor cars and lorries, as they pull all types of carriages and carts. Long distance stagecoach work along Britain's arterial road network. Royal duties, conveying kings and queens. Working on the farm, a ploughing team.

    Back on the New Forest. A question and answer section to see how observant the viewer has been.

    A pony roundup or Drift. A sequence that includes an enthusiastic Border Collie running with it's master. The Narrator describes 'How to catch a pony': "Ride up behind it, grab hold of its tail and give several quick circular turns. With its balance upset, it is thrown to the ground. Dismount from your horse and sit on the ponies head. You can now put a halter on the pony".... SIMPLE.

    Some excellent dynamic shots of riders and ponies as they reach and gather in the pound. Commoners using poles and rope loops to select ponies for a health check.

    Stabling and horse riding. The final scene is of a family out and about, riding in one of London's great parks.

    Gaumont British Instructional Ltd. Production
    Released by General Film Distributors
    J, Arthur Rank Presentation
    Released in 1950

    Formed in 1933, Gaumont British Instructional made nearly 400 films for schools and Cinema Clubs to educate and entertain children. Founder, Harry Bruce Woolfe had a passion for 'Visual Education' and with the help of other recruits from the ranks of British Gaumont staff, they worked closely with education establishments to produce a raft of films over the coming years. By 1954, Gaumont British Instructional had been absorbed into the Rank Organization's main body of production.
  • Highball Bouncing Bomb Tests (1943)

    🎬A ministry film documenting 'Special Weapons' tests on the wall targets at Ashley Walk Bombing Range.

    Over 3,000 acres of Ashley Walk were fenced off during the Second World War. Within this area many types of air delivered bombs were tested. Special concrete structures were built to assess the various bomb's effectiveness. There is still visible evidence of these structures and the scars remain from the largest weapons.

    "Highball" was considered one of the smaller 'special weapons'. These tests were using actual size casings but without the high explosive. The footage here is thought to be from late 1942 and early 1943.
  • Hampshire Hombres (1963)

    🎬British Pathé – Ordinary mortals get the chance to be cowboys and cowgirls in Hampshire. Story about the Flying G Ranch where friends and holidaymakers can enjoy "life on the range" and pretend to be cowboys. The ranch is owned by the transatlantic airline pilot Captain Leslie Gosling. C/U of a gun being loaded with bullets, cut to show man in cowboy hat and glasses (looks a bit incongruous) who is holding the gun. Horses are saddled up for a ride. Various footage of the holidaymakers riding their steeds around the ranch and out in open fields. They run into the local hunt which again looks strange - worlds colliding. Nice majestic western music accompanies shots of the riders. C/U of hamburgers being barbecued as the ramblers return for an outdoor feast. Good shots of the food being distributed and the riders enjoying their meals. A young cowboy and cowgirl polish their saddles. "We've never seen a sharpshooter in horn rimmed glasses before" quips the narrator as our friend from earlier shoots a few rounds and knocks down a few cans. The cowboys and cowgirls sit around on blankets listening to one of their group playing the guitar. I want to go. Cuts exist - see separate record


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