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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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    🎬British Movietone - Ponies of the New Forest have survived the centuries, but today their future in the unfenced forest is threatened by the motor car. However the annual auction sales still prove their popularity and Hampshire is determined to preserve this example of the England of a bygone age.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Their Home Is Bulldozed (1956)

    🎬British Pathé – Mrs Mitchell fights for her home. Ringwood, Hampshire. Defying Hampshire County Council's ban, widow Mitchell plans to rebuild the half-finished house the council bulldozed. GV. Mrs Mitchell's partly demolished house. LV. Mrs Mitchell in front of her shack (improvised) feeding chickens. CU. Four pigs waiting to be fed in pen. SCU. Mrs Mitchell feeding pigs. SV. Mrs Mitchell walks to wheelbarrow, picks it up and wheels it out of picture to her demolished house site. GV. Mrs Mitchell wheeling barrow partly filled with bricks. She tips up barrow to empty bricks. CU. Mrs Mitchell pushing barrow over to empty bricks. SV. Mrs Mitchell's son and daughter clearing bricks from the rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell's daughter helping load bricks into the barrow. SV. Mr Desmond Bailey, who helped to build the house, calls over Mrs Hughes' son Ian for consultation with plans for construction of another house. CU. Mr Bailey and Ian consulting over plans. CU. Pencil pointing to plans on paper of new house. LV. Mr Bailey and Ian Hughes marking out for new house. LV. Mrs Mitchell with the help of neighbours lifting off window frame from heap of rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell carrying window frame with help of neighbour. GV. Mrs Mitchell with neighbours still clearing away rubble from the bulldozed site

    🎬British Movietone - NO SOUND: Boys, 15 -18yrs old, learn how to build houses, the practical way, Various shots, laying bricks, planing wood,etc. Boys look at plan of house. Various shots of apprentices at work.
  • Finn's Country: New Forest Dragonflies (2010)

    🎬Roger Finn goes in search of Dragonflies in the New Forest. Doug Overton guides Roger through the delicate world of dragonfly spotting. Over half of the UK's forty dragonfly species can be found in the New Forest.

    Identified Species:
    Hairy dragonfly
    Golden-ringed dragonfly
    Broad-bodied chaser
    Large red damselfly
    Southern damselfly

    A BBC South Today Feature

    Find out more here:
  • Finn's Country: Fawley Saltmarsh (2016)

    🎬Roger Finn explores a remote part of Hampshire to see the wildlife and discover its unusual neighbor.

    For Roger, this is an exclusive visit to what is probably the south's best protected wildlife habitat. Thousands of people see it from afar every day, but very few are allowed into the saltmarshes at Fawley Power Station.

    Alison Jones, Fawley’s Community Affairs Manager, said: “We have worked incredibly hard over the years to not only protect our environment but to actively help it flourish. The saltmarsh and the reservoir are wonderful examples of how this care and effort has paid off. To be asked to feature in Finn’s Country was a great opportunity for us to share this work with the wider public.”

    A BBC South Today Feature
  • Bed Races (1969)

    🎬British Pathé – Bed racing along streets of Romsey during carnival festivities. Hampshire. SV Exterior as young girl gets into bed at Romsey. CU Person making final adjustments to wheel. Pan up to show girl seated on bed. CU The girl. SV Girl sitting in bed. Bed is done up and called, "Bed mobile G.T.". CU Girl settling down in her seat in the bed mobile. CU Wheels of bed moving forward. Pan up to people pushing it. This bed is moving towards starting line. CU Girl in bed being pushed along towards starting line. CU Another ditto. CU Sign of bed. Pan up to lady sitting on bed. Pan down to pot hanging under bed. GV Beds lined up for start. CU Carnival Queen of Romsey, 18 year old Jane Edwards, starting race. SV Pan as beds race away. GV Beds race to- wards camera. Back V. Beds start to go out into the country. GV Bed going across small stream. Somebody on bank throws flour out over people who are pushing the bed. SV Four men holding bed over their heads coming across narrow bridge. GV More beds across stream with people throwing flour at people pushing them. SV Bed being pushed across narrow bridge. This bed belongs to Romsey Young Farmers, which was eventual second in race. Followed by another bed. SV Another bed being brought across bridge. CU Wheel on bed turning. LS Bed with long dragon's head pointing from bottom is pushed up ramp which has been greased so that people slip and slide. Bed comes over ramp. A man standing in back of van throws bucket of water over people pushing it. GV Four poster bed over ramp. Man throws bucket of water. Travelling S. Through street as camera passes bed. Travelling Another bed. This bed is the one with the serpents head on it. In this shot head is touching the ground. CU Pan as winning bed finishes. SV As bed comes to a halt. People who have been pushing it slump onto the bed. SV Crowd. SV One of the people who were pushing winning bed receives trophy from Jane Edwards. The person kisses Jane Edwards


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