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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • BBC South 50 years: Episode 4 Aldaniti

    🎬BBC South 50 years: Episode 4 Aldaniti. A series of 19 mini-features made by BBC South at Southampton in 2011 to celebrate the station's 50 year history.

    Episode 4 Aldaniti. Nobody expected Aldaniti to win the 1981 Grand National. The horse had suffered leg injuries and jockey Bob Champion was recovering from cancer. But win they did and their story inspired a feature film, Champions. Thirty years later Roger Johnson accompanied Bob Champion on a nostalgic visit to trainer Josh Gifford's stables in Findon.

    NFG are indebted to the BBC staff at Southampton for their help in sourcing items for the archive. See more episodes in the Category - BBC South.
  • WHITE WEDDING (1960)

    🎬British Movietone - NO SOUND - CUTS FOR STORY NUMBER 79086 - Ms Bride and groom outside church. Mountbatten and bride in church doorway. Group left to right. Edwina Mountbatten, Prince Charles, Lord Brabourne, Princess Anne and Prince Philip all have glasses in their hands. Mountbatten and Bride. Bride with bridesmaids and Charles. Group shot Bride, Groom, bridesmaids and Brabourne. Good CU Princess Anne. Anne drinks from glass. Painting presented to newlyweds. Bride and Groom. Cutting cake. Good CU kids and Pamela. Princess Alexandra and Marina Duchess of Kent. Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. Lots of good shots of young charles and Anne. LEAVING FOR CHURCH - Nice shots of Mountbatten carrying young bridesmaid to car. Mountbatten says goodbye to Alice, Duchess Of Gloucester, Princess Alexandra and Marina. Mountbatten with other departing guests. Mountbatten escorts Queen Mother and Princess Margaret to their car. Philip and Charles out followed by Mountbatten. Princess Anne into car followed by Edwina and bridesmaids. Mountbatten and Pamela out of house and into car. Bride and Groom talk to people at reception. Prince Philip talking. All exterior shots have snow in them. Wedding Cake is shape liked Broadlands House.
  • Tour De Britain (1951)

    🎬British Pathé – Coverage of the first two stages of the Daily Express round Britain cycle race.Full title reads: "Tour De Britain". Daily Express round Britain cycle race. It starts in Hyde Park, London. CU Cyclist spinning cycle wheel. SV Pan up cyclists preparing bikes. CU Putting water bottle onto frame. LV Crowds around cyclists. CU French cyclists signing autograph. LV Starter with flag. SV Start with flag and cyclists start. Travel Shot. Cyclists cycling past crowds in Hyde Park. GV of London from Vauxhall Bridge. LV Cyclists cycling across Vauxhall Bridge. GV Cyclists along Bromley High Street, Kent. BV Rounding bend. CU Two cyclists. Travel Shot. Husband and wife on tandem with baby alongside. CU Signpost to Farnborough and Hastings. CU No 2 Georges Blum in the lead. LV And Pan, Cyclists racing down hill en route for Hastings. CU Signpost to Eastbourne. LV Towards and pan No 2 racing through Eastbourne. SV Cyclists racing along and being given satchels of food. SV Pan cyclists racing along and being given satchels of food. CU Ian Steel in the lead now, eating food and passes food to cyclist along side. CU Feed on pedals. GV No 5 over the line and cycles towards camera. CU Gabriel Audemard being congratulated. Angle shot. Crowds looking down from balcony. SV Gabriel Audemard cycling along in front wearing yellow jersey and waving to crowds. CU Gabriel waving to crowds. LV Cyclists passing through Arundel (castle in background) CU Broken cycle on pavement Pan up to Edward Hawkins No 8 of the Irish team. SV Pan, carrying broken cycle to lorry. GV Pan Cyclists crossing Portsdown Hill with Portsmouth in the background. LV Pan. Cyclists along country road and over bridge at Swaythling. SV Sign. Welcome to the New Forest. Angle shot. Racing through the New Forest. SV Towards and Pan. No 18 David Bedwell coming in to win at Bournemouth. GV No 18 over the line. CU Winner No 18
  • Girl Stunt Driver Aka Stock Car Race (1958)

    🎬British Pathé – A brother and sister team perform dangerous stunts at a stock car race. Matcham Park stadium, Bournemouth. M/S of a young boy in red boiler suit tinkering with the engine on an old car, a man also in a red suit is standing by it and another man comes over and pulls the bonnet down. Some people are stood in the background behind the car. C/U of a programme someone is reading with 'Stock Car Racing plus The Hell Fire Dare-Devil Stunt Drivers' on the front. C/U of the man and woman who are reading it. L/S of a stock car race, the crowds are in the background and the cars are lined up, a man is holding the green starting flag he waves it and moves away. C/U of a car's wheels as it moves off. L/S of the cars as they race towards the camera, some spectators are watching on the left, the camera follows them round and focuses on a red car with 'P32' on the side. Various shots of the race in progress, some of the cars crash and spin round. C/U of a man and woman in the crowd, he has his arm round her. M/S of the race, a red car - '275' crashes through some barrels and drives across the grass. M/S of more cars hurtling round the track. C/U of an older woman with two younger men and a young woman watching them. M/S of the winning car an Oldsmobile 'Rocket' 88 driven by Stan Johnson, he is holding the black and white chequered winner's flag as he drives past the camera. L/S of a group of men pushing a big green van into position next to some wooden ramps. M/S of a man in a red top moving a piece of wood and giving the thumbs up. M/S of a man and a woman standing by a silver stock car a 22 horse power Ford V8 with 'The Hell Fire Drivers' written in red on the side, the man is adjusting something under the bonnet and the girl is holding a racing helmet. The narrator says they are Ellis and Maureen Daw from Plymouth, a brother and sister stunt team. C/U shot from a low angle of Maureen putting her helmet on. C/U of Ellis's face. C/U of Maureen fastening her helmet. /S of their car driving along, it goes up some ramps and tries to crash through the lorry that was shown earlier. The car hits the lorry sideways and falls on its side. C/U of petrol spilling out of the tank onto the floor. M/S of Ellis looking shaken, there are several men round him, he walks off with some of them. L/S of five men stacking wooden crates on the track, M/S of the men arranging the boxes. M/S of Ellis checking the crates. M/S of Maureen climbing up onto the bonnet of a black car, a 30 horse power 1938 Ford V8, she chats to one of the men. M/S of another man dousing the crates in petrol from a can, crowds of people are watching in the background. L/S of people pushing the car along with Maureen on the bonnet holding on to the front and Ellis at the steering wheel. L/S of the crates being torched, as they burst into flame the car drives through with Maureen on the front, they come out of the other side and drive off. C/U of a boy with ginger hair in the crowd watching the scene. M/S of Maureen standing on the car again, C/U of her gripping a handle. M/S of her holding on to both handles on the back. The car is pushed along past the camera. L/S of the car approaching a steep ramp, as it takes off Maureen is thrown to the ground, the car lands on the other side. C/U of an ambulance sign. M/S of her being carried on a stretcher and put into the back of an ambulance where a nurse helps lift her in.
  • Royal Honeymooners Attend Romsey Abbey (1947)

    🎬British Movietone - Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh attend Sunday morning service at Romsey Abbey. The couple have been staying at Lord Mountbatten's home, Broadlands, and happily posed for the cameras in its grounds.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • The Complete Invader (1966)

    🎬British Pathé – Assault landing ship - the complete invader presented at Solent. Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. Air view of HMS Fearless, the first assault landing ship, at sea near the Solent harbour. LV. The flight deck as helicopter comes in to land. LV. From flight deck as helicopter lands. LV. Interior, Captain on bridge looking through binoculars. CU. Captain looking through binoculars. He leans forwards to speak into microphone. SV. Officer looking at closed circuit TV. CU. & LV. Helicopter lifting land rover from flight deck. GV. The helicopter hovering over flight deck. Top shot, landing craft at sea turning towards Fearless. GV. From the landing craft as it goes in between the two stern sections of Fearless. Several shots of the landing craft as it comes in. LV. As the landing craft comes under covered section. LV. Army lorry going down ramp on landing craft. GV. Top shot, lorry moving onboard landing craft. LV. Scout car coming up ramp. SV. Pan, another one. LV. Tank on the move, & CU. SV. As tank goes away. Air view of the HMS Fearless.


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