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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Os-Ke-Non-Ton (1936)

    🎬British Pathé – Os-Ke-Non-Ton, hereditary chief of the Mohawk tribe, and now radio star, pitches his wigwam in the New Forest and entertains by singing a love song. Item title reads - The New Empire Review now has pleasure in presenting the famous North American Red Indian Chief Os-Ke-Non-Ton famous on concert platform and radio. L/S's of pine woods of Langdown Lawn at Hythe in the New Forest. M/S of a wigwam pitched in the middle of the woods. M/S as Os-Ke-Non-Ton, hereditary chief of the Mohawk tribe, emerges in traditional native American dress. He kneels, then starts to make a fire by rubbing wood together, M/S as he holds up burning cloth and puts it under a pile of wood. M/S as he lights his long pipe from the fire. M/S as he puts on his magnificent Indian head-dress. M/S as he cups his hands to his mouth and calls. He then announces he is going to sing a Red Indian love song and introduces it. He bangs a drum as he sings. M/S after the song has finished he picks up a blanket and walks away into the woods. End Titles
  • Hampshire Hombres (1963)

    🎬British Pathé – Ordinary mortals get the chance to be cowboys and cowgirls in Hampshire. Story about the Flying G Ranch where friends and holidaymakers can enjoy "life on the range" and pretend to be cowboys. The ranch is owned by the transatlantic airline pilot Captain Leslie Gosling. C/U of a gun being loaded with bullets, cut to show man in cowboy hat and glasses (looks a bit incongruous) who is holding the gun. Horses are saddled up for a ride. Various footage of the holidaymakers riding their steeds around the ranch and out in open fields. They run into the local hunt which again looks strange - worlds colliding. Nice majestic western music accompanies shots of the riders. C/U of hamburgers being barbecued as the ramblers return for an outdoor feast. Good shots of the food being distributed and the riders enjoying their meals. A young cowboy and cowgirl polish their saddles. "We've never seen a sharpshooter in horn rimmed glasses before" quips the narrator as our friend from earlier shoots a few rounds and knocks down a few cans. The cowboys and cowgirls sit around on blankets listening to one of their group playing the guitar. I want to go. Cuts exist - see separate record
  • Goggle Dog (1963)

    🎬British Pathé – William Nicholson is a vintage car enthusiast that likes to take his dog motoring with him. Various shots of Mr. N. polishing an old Bentley, one of a row of vintage cars. Mr. N. opens a bonnet to clean the motor of a Hispano Sura. C/U of a "hand carved stalk" on top of a radiator. M/S of vintage car, pan to Mrs. N sitting nearby, sewing a hat. She places the hat on her dog. Mrs. N leads the dog to the car, a 1928 Bentley. Mr. N. is sitting in the driving seat. Mrs. N places some goggles over the dog's head. Mrs. N waves to her husband and dog as they drive off. Various shots of Mr N. and his dog speeding down country lane. C/U of the dog in goggles and a hat (he wears them to so he doesn't get cold ears and runny eyes). The dog is a Keeshund, otherwise known as a Dutch barge dog (looks a bit like Lassie). Other cars featured are - a 1947 Silver Wraith Rolls Royce, 1930 Speed 6 Bentley and a 1927 A.C.G. (sp?). Cuts exist - please see separate record
  • Hunt Meet At Lyndhurst, New Forest (1934)

    🎬British Pathé – New Forest hunt goes on. Title for this item is missing - paperwork states that this item belongs to the NEWS IN A NUTSHELL collection - which is broken apart. HUNT MEET AT LYNDHURST, NEW FOREST Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hampshire. Various shots of people on horseback in hunting gear with dogs around - they are meeting at Lyndhurst, New Forest for the fox hunt. Little boy stroking one of the bitches. Several women stroking dogs. Various shots of the hunt
  • Lady Baden Powell (1924)

    🎬British Pathé – Girl Guides from every nation meet on a camp in the New Forest. Title: "LADY BADEN POWELL. Visits Girl Guides of all nations in camp in the New Forest". M/S of Lady B-P walking between two lines of Guides of different nationalities. C/U of Lady B-P standing surrounded by Guides - on one arm stands an Indian Guide on the other is a Guide from an Islamic country. C/U of two Caucasian Guides from different countries. C/U of two more Guides, one has a tiny Danish flag tied to her woggle. C/U of the Guide from an Islamic country wearing a veil. C/U of Lady B/P standing next to a Guide from an Far Eastern country. M/S of a Guide using bellows to encourage a camp fire beneath a cooking pot, pan to two Guides sitting on the ground peeling potatoes. M/S of two Guides posting letters in a mail box (their embroidered bonnets suggest they may be Scandinavian!). M/S of a group of Guides sitting around their Guide Leader - they appear to be breaking up a tree branch to make a camp fire
  • Land Army Girls Cutting Xmas Trees (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Land Army girls cutting down Xmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest. Unissued / unused material. Land army girls cut Christmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hampshire. C/U man standing by Fordson Tractor, pan with him as he gets into tractor. Various shots Land Girls stacking up Xmas trees. M/S two girls sawing root away from tree. C/U girl stacking. M/S girl picking up trees and throwing them on pile. L/S girls cutting and stacking the trees


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