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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Lady Baden Powell (1924)

    🎬British Pathé – Girl Guides from every nation meet on a camp in the New Forest. Title: "LADY BADEN POWELL. Visits Girl Guides of all nations in camp in the New Forest". M/S of Lady B-P walking between two lines of Guides of different nationalities. C/U of Lady B-P standing surrounded by Guides - on one arm stands an Indian Guide on the other is a Guide from an Islamic country. C/U of two Caucasian Guides from different countries. C/U of two more Guides, one has a tiny Danish flag tied to her woggle. C/U of the Guide from an Islamic country wearing a veil. C/U of Lady B/P standing next to a Guide from an Far Eastern country. M/S of a Guide using bellows to encourage a camp fire beneath a cooking pot, pan to two Guides sitting on the ground peeling potatoes. M/S of two Guides posting letters in a mail box (their embroidered bonnets suggest they may be Scandinavian!). M/S of a group of Guides sitting around their Guide Leader - they appear to be breaking up a tree branch to make a camp fire
  • Land Army Girls Cutting Xmas Trees (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Land Army girls cutting down Xmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest. Unissued / unused material. Land army girls cut Christmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hampshire. C/U man standing by Fordson Tractor, pan with him as he gets into tractor. Various shots Land Girls stacking up Xmas trees. M/S two girls sawing root away from tree. C/U girl stacking. M/S girl picking up trees and throwing them on pile. L/S girls cutting and stacking the trees
  • Land Girls Get The Harvest (1941)

    🎬British Pathé – Great shots of girls of the Women's Land Army collecting in the harvest. Unused / unissued material - location and dates unclear or unknown. Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. VS of land girls getting in the harvest. They operate tractor drawn reaper over large corn fields probably on Salisbury Plains. The reapers operate in an impressive chain over the large fields. VS of girls taking a well earned rest when the tea van arrives on site. More shots of the reapers working across the field. Short CU of corn waving in breeze. More shots of the tea break. (Neg.) Cataloguer's Note: The Land Girls are part of the WLA - the Women's Land Army - and these are really good shots. Old record suggests date as August 1941 - MD
  • Lovely Lady (1946)

    🎬British Pathé – Pathe visits Margaret Lockwood in her home. Ringwood, Hampshire. Several shots of film star Margaret Lockwood at home with her daughter. Margaret Lockwood signing photographs for her fans, daughter Margaret helps her. Various shots of Margaret Lockwood walking in countryside with her daughter, a little boy joins them. Margaret Lockwood, her daughter and little boy are seen feeding the chickens, playing with ducklings and a goat
  • Make Your Own Dinghy (1961)

    🎬British Pathé – Footage of fibre glass boat being built in factory, Lymington, Hampshire. L/S of the workers lifting the mould of the boat. C/U of man mixing resin. C/U clock showing time at 11:15. Workers placing fibre glass on the mould. M/S of overlap of fibreglass being cut off. M/S of foreman giving signal for workers to knock off for lunch. C/U of c;lock showing time of 12:17. M/S of workers placing beading around the hull. C/U of photographer. M/S of workers placing beading around the hull followed by the seats. L/S of two people in the boat fitted with outboard motor on river. They wave to the camera
  • Xmas Tree Harvest (1966)

    🎬British Pathé – Cutting of the Christmas trees at New Forest. New Forest, Hampshire. GV. Christmas trees in the New Forest. SV. Man preparing to cut Christmas tree. SCU. Man cutting tree with mechanical power saw. CU. Christmas tree. CU. Pan, a man cutting another Christmas tree down. CU. Pan as tree falls. GV. Christmas trees being loaded onto trailer, & GV. SCU. Tractor driver. LV. Man cutting larger Christmas tree. CU. Cutting machine going through trunk of Christmas tree. LV. Christmas tree falls to the ground. GV. Pan as tractor and trailer carry trees away


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