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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Accident Auto-Alarm (1966)

    🎬British Pathé – GV. Lord Montagu driving towards camera in a 1902 De Dion Bouton and he swerves off the road. SCU. Lord Montagu gets out of car and starts to run. SV. Lord Montagu running towards camera and stops at a post with a light on top. CU. Lord Montagu presses the alarm button and the light on top starts flashing 'This button, when pressed, automatically informs police and ambulance that there has been an accident'. CU. The button. Pan up to the flashing light. CU. The flashing light. SV. From left to right, the inventors Mr Derek Warren and Mr Ronald Atkinson talking to Lord Montagu. CU. Pan, three men talking. GV. Pan showing another warning system which would go down the middle of the motorway. It has a trip wire which automatically starts horns and lights. Camera pans to the horns and lights, mounting. GV. Lord Montagu drives his De Dion into the trip wire. The horns start and the lights start flashing. CU. Flashing lights. SV. Lord Montagu in the De Dion. Camera pans to close up shot of flashing lights.
  • Finn's Country: Painting Watership Down (2016)

    🎬Roger Finn presents a short documentary about Aldo Galli who illustrated Watership Down.

    Aldo graduated from Agricultural Sciences at the University of Milan in 1992 and moved to England in 2001.

    "Creating the Watership Down collection was, without doubt, a unique experience and a great satisfaction. Quite possibly, it was the final development of an idea that I had unconsciously carried in the back of my mind since my childhood, when a Christmas I received as a present a novel that told the story of a band of rabbits…." Aldo Galli.

    A BBC South Today Feature
  • Air Guardians Of The Coast (1940)

    🎬British Pathé – The work of Coastal Command - shots on board a plane as it overflies a merchant convoy. Full title reads: "Air Gardians of the Coast". The Solent. MS and aerial views of Sunderland flying boat taking off in the Solent. Various good shots of the crew during a mission. with shots of pilot and co-pilot at controls, navigator at work, cameraman filming a merchant ship below and co-pilot using aldis lamp to signal to ships in convoy below, also MS gunners in their positions.
  • Going Going Gone (1966)

    🎬British Pathé – Auction of the New Forest ponies, where some four hundred are sold mainly as riding ponies for children. After nine hundred years in the forest the breed is still going strong, in spite of traffic hazards in the Forest.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Living Christmas Card (1930-1931)

    🎬British Pathé – Fox hunters in the New Forest gather around memorial stone to William Rufus. Full title reads: "'A living Christmas card' historical and beautiful! New Forest Hunt hold annual Xmastide Meet at the Rufus Stone - where William Rufus was killed in a hunting accident (?) - 831 years ago!" New Forest, Hampshire. Various shots of fox hunters out on their horses and riding with their hounds. The hunt gathers around a memorial stone. The hunt sets off once more in to the Forest. Cu inscription on memorial stone to King William II who apparently died there
  • Army Frogmen Aka Army Frogman Training (1961)

    🎬British Pathé – Trainee divers from the Royal Engineers are seen in action at Marchwood in Hampshire. Marchwood, Hampshire. L/S panning across the harbour; various ships are seen in the distance; on the quay beside us are four frogmen in diving suits with air cylinders on their backs. An army officer checks their equipment as we hear they are from the Royal Engineers, and are shallow water divers. The men line up along the quay and jump in. Various shots of the men swimming on their backs to the target zone as commentator tells us the frogmen are used when there's a need for a silent, unseen approach. On land we see M/S of a soldier working a large air pump with a long hose attached to a diving rig. M/S on the top of the rig shows a man in a full old-fashioned diving costume with bowl-shaped helmet and weighted shoes. A soldier fits the air hose to the diving suit while an officer crouches beside a kind of radio transmitter. The diver climbs down a ladder into the diving rig. The soldiers at the top of the rig light an underwater cutter and lower it into the water. Underwater M/Ss of the diver cutting through a girder with the oxy-hydrogen torch. L/S and M/S from a stony beach as we see two frogmen coming out of the water. The three frogmen crouch on the beach while a soldier winds up a detonator box. M/S of the water as an explosive charge is detonated; the explosion throws up a large cloud of water. Note: print used for telecine transfer is quite scratched; neg is cut. On file is a letter to Pathe from the Diving School at McMullen Barracks in Marchwood. Cuts exist - see separate record


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