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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • First Open Tennis Tournament (1968)

    🎬British Pathé – First lawn tennis tournament open to amateur and professionals - lots of tennis stars attend. No title. First open lawn tennis tournament at Bournemouth, Dorset for amateur and professional players. L/S tennis matches in progress on row of courts. Various shots tennis player Peter Curtis and Fred Stolle playing game. Panning shot tennis player Christine Truman arriving. Panning shot tennis player Bobby Wilson. C/U tennis player Stanley Matthews Jnr. M/S group of young players. C/U tennis player John Paish. M/S tennis player O. K. Davidson looking at programme. C/U ditto. Various shots tennis player Virginia Wade signing autographs for group of schoolgirls. M/S tennis player Angela Mortimer with fashion designer Teddy Tinling. C/U ditto (Tinling is wearing unusual collarless shirt and necklace!) C/U tennis player Angela Mortimer. Various shots match between Mrs. P.M. Roberts (tennis player Margaret Roberts) and Virginia Wade on the centre court
  • Ejector Seat Gets Rocket (1961)

    🎬British Pathé – A new design of aircraft ejector seat is tests in the Solent. Full title reads: "Solent. Ejector Seat Gets Rocket". Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. GV boat putting out to sea. GV various groups of men most of them NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) officials on quay. CU the Swiss air attache Colonel Mosimann. SV Colonel. McIlhaney and his wife he is from the American Strategic Air Command (SAC). LV the aircraft Lighter at sea the rocket carrying the Ejector seat is fired and zooms up out of picture. LV the parachute descending. GV Ditto with the Dummy suspended from the chute. The dummy hits the water. SV the dummy floating in the inflated dinghy. GV dinghy with outboard motor going out of the rescue. GV Ditto as another rescue dinghy comes into sight and they head towards the floating dummy. SV the dinghy containing the dummy being attached by rope to the rescue dinghy. CU the dummy lying in the floating dinghy.
  • Flying Boats For Sale (1963)

    🎬British Pathé – Item title reads - Flying Boats for sale. Out of date Princess Flying Boats for sale. Calshot, Hampshire. Various shots of the Princess flying boats on slipway, M/S scaffolding on tail. Various shots of the flying boats. Various shots from 1952 of one of the flying boats being manoeuvred into the water at Cowes, Isle of Wight. People run to watch. Various shots of the boat in the water
  • Flying Display A Rn Air Station (1950)

    🎬British Pathé – Air-sea rescue and fire fighting demonstration by RN Fleet Air Arm at Lee-on-Solent. Unissued / unused material. Flying display at Royal Navy Air Station, Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. Aerial shot carriers steaming out of harbour. Aerial view Fleet Air Arm planes flying in formation over land and Solent. Panning shot Westland S-51 helicopter, pan down to RAF dinghy on ground - a hook is lowered from hovering helicopter and man in dinghy is winched up, par of air-sea rescue demonstration. Helicopter flies past. 2 shots planes flying fast past camera. People in crowd looking upwards. L/S control tower. M/S naval airmen looking up. M/S 3 naval officers looking up. Panning shot fire engine panning over towards burning aeroplane. Various shots firemen putting out fire with foam - another demonstration. Aerial shots planes flying in formation through crowd and over land.
  • Feathered Lightening (1922)

    🎬British Pathé – Hundreds of racing pigeons are released in Bournemouth, Dorset. Racing pigeons released in Bournemouth, Dorset. Full titles read: "FEATHERED 'LIGHTENING' - Hundreds of London's best flying pigeons released." L/S long row of baskets of pigeons in the street being prepared for release. A man pours some water into a tray in on basket. C/U of man holding a pigeon while another uses a ringing device on it's leg. C/U of the pigeon. L/S of the pigeon owner opening the baskets and with a flurry of feathers the pigeons burst out and fly away.

    🎬British Movietone - NO SOUND: Various shots of Mr. Brendan Bracken walking thru the streets of Bournemouth. Close-up of Mr. Bracken. GV Committee Rooms. 2 GV'S Bournemouth


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