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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Pine Marten 'Kits' in the New Forest (2022)

    🎬Video clips from hidden cameras shows signs of successful breeding among the New Forest's pine marten population. The footage was captured by conservation group Wild New Forest as part of a long-term study into how the elusive mammals are recolonising in the area.

    The cat-sized member of the weasel family was previously only thought to have survived largely in the North of England.

    Marcus Ward of the Wild New Forest conservation group said the footage was "incredible".
  • Pine Marten Now in the New Forest (2018)

    🎬Pine martens are extremely rare in Britain. But, this is the second time anyone has filmed a sighting in the New Forest - with one first caught on camera in 2016.

    The mammals are elusive members of the weasel family. Experts say pine martens were widespread throughout the country but their numbers began declining in the south around 200 years ago due to habitat loss and predator control measures.
  • Pine Marten Population in the New Forest, Video Evidence (2021)

    🎬Hidden wildlife cameras have shown evidence of a possible "established population" of pine martens in the New Forest.

    Pine martens were previously only thought to have survived in large numbers in the north of England. Wild New Forest members have used camera traps to film the elusive creatures.
  • Secrets of Life, Once We Were Four (1942)

    🎬From British Gaumont, an unusual method of wildlife filmmaking. A family of rabbits are under threat from foxes, badgers, a shotgun wielding home-owner and the German Airforce.

    The "Secrets of Life" series ran from 1934 to 1950

    Gaumont British Instructional Films - Secrets of Life.
    Released by General Film Distributors Ltd
    Release Date: 1942
    Film Title: Once We Were Four...
    Director: Mary Field
    Photography: Oliver Pike
    Commentary: EVH Emmett

    🎬British Movietone - We're going to great pains to make sure the Great Bustard doesn't escape again. Europe's largest bird hasn't bred here since 1806. Now preservationists hope to install six of the birds, from Portugal, in ideally protected conditions on Salisbury Plain.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • What's New In The Forest (1974)

    🎬What's New In The Forest. Filmed by members of The Wildlife Society, featuring memorable footage of a working forest, as it was circa 1973.

    A brief history to describe the forest, then and now. A look at the various species of deer to be found. The geology. Forest law and the New Forest. Eyeworth Pond, a special place. A look at some of the more unusual Flora. The Forest Lawns and grazing. Common rights. New Forest Pony as a breed. Red Fox on a hillside and beware of Adders in the long grass. Setting up a filming hide on a Bullfinch nest. A pony drift. The Agister's responsibilities. The pressures of traffic filmed and described. Pollution and the proximity of Fawley Refinery. The Forestry Commission management. Timber extraction. Regulation of caravanning and camping. Draining bogs. The pony sales at Beaulieu Road.

    Narrated by Tony Askew

    Jack Dalley Inkpen, Berkshire
    May Dalley Inkpen, Berkshire
    Ronald Downham Croydon, Surrey
    Angela Hughes Hammoon, Dorset
    Violet Maxse West Burton, Sussex
    Frances Murphy Hampton, Middlesex
    John Murphy Hampton, Middlesex
    Peter Nichols Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
    John Norie Hicliffe, Dorset
    David Orr Redgrave, Suffilk
    Geoffrey Paulson-Ellis Headley, Hampsire
    Jane Paulson-Ellis Headley, Hampsire
    John Pitcher Epsom, Surrey
    Ricky Pitcher Epsom, Surrey
    Jack White ARPS Tifield, Berkshire
    Norman Wylie-Moore Heathfield, Sussex

    Featured Fauna and Flora:
    Bog Aspendale
    Bog Myrtle
    Common Frog
    Cotton Grass
    Great Sallow
    New Forest Ponies
    Red Fox
    Water Crowfoot
    Wild Gladiolus


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