local_library Domesday Tables For The New Forest Domesday transcribed to tables. Showing details as they were for Tenant in Chief, Undertenant and Saxon Holder. Francis Henry Baring 1909 28 Expand ⏷ From the author: The attempt to reduce Domesday to a tabular form needs no apology. Tables are horrible to most of us and many things are to be found in Domesday besides figures, but after all the main object of Domesday was to record statistics and it is well to have them in a convenient form; indeed without tables it is almost impossible to appreciate the facts recorded, for it is very difficult by merely reading the text to get a general view of even one feature in a single county. It is in the hope of assisting the student to general views of the country as described in Domesday, not for the sake of the detail, that these tables have been printed ; but also that his general views may not be founded only upon county totals and averages. Read Book
local_library Early Wars Of Wessex Casting new light (as of the time) on the 'Dark Ages'. Compiled from fragmentary records. Albany F Major 1913 267 Expand ⏷ Albany F Major (1858 to 1925) The fragmentary nature of the records which tell us how Britain became England has led to many attempts at a reconstruction of the story from unwritten evidence. The reason, and perhaps the justification, for these endeavours is to be found in the fact that much of the early history of these islands remains writ large on the face of the country, if only we had the knowledge and ability to interpret the signs aright. The following studies are based upon considerable personal knowledge of the west country, and an intimate acquaintance with the localities which figure more prominently in the argument. Read Book
local_library Hampshire County, coast, town and country described in detail. Telford Varley 1922 231 Expand ⏷ Reverend Telford Varley (1886 to 1938) From the text: The New Forest, as might be supposed, is a remarkably good collecting-ground, not only for Lepidoptera, but also for beetles, of which there are many rare species, and several that are found nowhere else. Wood names are numerous. Clearings are "cleres," as Kingsclere, Burghclere, and Highclere. "wood" occurs in Woodhay (Wood-hedge), Odiham (woodyham). "holt," "hurst," "shaw," all meaning wood, in Linkenholt (wood of limes), Brockenhurst (badger's wood) and Bramshaw. Woods growing down the slopes of a hill are hanging woods, or "hangers," as in Oakhanger, and wild life is reflected in "Wolvesey" (Wolves' Isle), Wolmer (wolves' mere or wolves'pond), and Brockenhurst as mentioned above. Read Book
local_library Hampshire Days The people both gentry and peasantry, the places, wildlife and seasons. William Henry Hudson 1903 433 Expand ⏷ William Henry Hudson (1841-1922) Author, naturalist and ornithologist. From the author: The greater part of the matter contained in this volume has not appeared before. In the first half of the book use has been made of an article on "Summer in the Forest" from Longman's Magazine. In the second half I have drawn on articles from the same periodical, on "A Summers End on the lichen". I have also made use of an article from the Badminton Magazine. From the text: Hornet and Bank-Vole: Wishing to see more, I spent most of that day and the day following at the spot, and saw hornet and vole meet many times. If the vole was at the sap when the hornet came he was at once driven off, and when the hornet was there first the vole was never allowed to feed.... Read Book
local_library Memoranda Of The Parishes Of Hursley And North Baddesley Names, dates and events. Known local history from the 17th and 18th century. John Marsh 1808 106 Expand ⏷ The following Account of the Parish of Hursley, was drawn up nearly five years ago (1803) as an amusement without the most distant view to Publication, and certainly would never have appeared in its present form, but in compliance with the suggestion of a Friend much interested in the Parish, who earnestly recommended, and liberally encouraged, the printing of it. The parish of Hursley lies in the hundred of Buddlesgate, and division of Fawley; and the villlage 'is situated on the turnpike-road leading from Winchester to Romsey, and nearly at an equal distance from each of those places. The parish of North Baddesley lies in the hundred of Mainsbridge, and is situated at the distance of three miles, nearly east, from the town of Romsey. At the same distance to the South-west, from the village of Hursley, and at about six miles, nearly North, from the town of Southampton, Read Book
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