Book Archive

From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Ride To Stonehenge (1938)

    🎬British Pathé – A group of horse riders pay a visit to Stonehenge. Salisbury, Wiltshire. Item title reads - Stonehenge. Salisbury, Wilttshire. (LNER). Various shots as a group of people ride along on horseback. M/S as they ride past Stonehenge. M/S as people sit and watch. L/S of the riders. M/S of Stonehenge

    🎬British Movietone - We're going to great pains to make sure the Great Bustard doesn't escape again. Europe's largest bird hasn't bred here since 1806. Now preservationists hope to install six of the birds, from Portugal, in ideally protected conditions on Salisbury Plain.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • The Pony Fair (1933)

    🎬British Pathé – Beaulieu Road Station pony sales. Nice footage of a horse and pony fair in the New Forest. "Down in the New Forest, they hold an annual pony fair, where from far and wide buyers collect together." M/S of a man selling buggy whips. People stand around and listen to his patter (silent film) C/U of a man slicing bread - this is probably an open air sandwich stall. C/U of a stall laden with bottles of wine and pies! The pies are stacked one on top of the other - no unnecessary packaging here! M/S of a large horse pulling a cart with people sitting inside it. M/S of lots of ponies standing in a pen. "Ponies and horses of the New Forest, all sorts and sizes - smooth and shaggy." M/S of the horses in their pens, crowded together. M/S of three ponies standing together - cute. M/S of man running across the paddock with horse on a rope - showing him off. Frisky young pony bucks at the end of a rope. His owner slaps him on the rump. "All to pass under the hammer and find homes, perhaps many miles away." Various shots of ponies being pulled around by ropes. High angle shots of the crowds standing beside pens. "For the buyers - a willing servant - for the sold, alas, separation from Mother and their beloved New Forest home." Low angle shot of some ponies in the wild. Was an item in Eve's Film Review issue number 633
  • Time To Remember - Turn Of The Century 1896 to 1902 (1900-1901)

    🎬British Pathé – Scenes from life at the turn of the century - life in Britain and around the world Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened. Reel 2. Continued. 01:19:51 Dirt track over hill. C/U sign on outside of toll house on Eling Causeway. C/U puddles on dirt track. Woman using spinning wheel outside cottage. Woman milking cow (it has horns). More dirt tracks. Cobbled street. Model of early steam powered machine. Quick shot of steam whistle (possibly from train). Poster about early railway development from London to Birmingham. Steam fills the screen. 01:20:36 Cavalry troops charge towards camera. Several carry lances with flags flying from them. Field guns firing. Field guns being pulled across field by horses. Infantry men firing rifles. 01:21:02 Indian troops on horseback carrying lances with small pendants flying. They wear turbans and are parading. 01:21:11 High angle shot of crowd in street. Police on horseback charge into crowd with batons. They appear to be breaking up some kind of demonstration. C/U Statue of Abraham Lincoln. Wagon train, as in the Wild West. Covered wagons drawn by horses and oxen. L/S Rocky Mountains in America. They are capped with snow. 01:21:42 Oil gushing from the ground. In the foreground are oil tanks. Oil bubbling up out of ground. Quick shot of American riverboat. C/U wheel of steam train traveling fast. Interior of large cotton mill. Industrial scene with factories and smoking chimneys. 01:22:11 High angle shot of canal barge being pulled by horse walking along tow path. Quick shots of various bridges including the Forth Bridge. Atlantic liner ship coming into dock.
  • Ytene England's Ancient Forest (1995)

    🎬 Ytene England's Ancient Forest. An NHU Production for BBC2. Filmed over two years by Manuel Hinge and narrated by John Nettles.

    'Ytene' is an ancient name for the area now known as the New Forest. It was the site of the Jutish Kingdom and translates as "Jute", or "of the Jutes". An early Anglo Saxon tribe known to live in the southern parts of Wessex.

    Ytene explores the wildlife found in the New Forest in southern England. The woodland, bogs and heaths of the area are home to wild ponies, fallow deer, badgers, foxes, wildfowl, and insects. Seasonal changes are shown, and some elusive species, such as firecrests, hawfinches, woodlarks and tadpole shrimps are pictured.

    The programme is interwoven with historical re-enactments and describes the change in land use from mediaeval times.

    Filmed and Directed by Manuel Hinge
    Music by Martin Kiszko
    Film Editor Martin Elsbury
    Dubbing Editor Angela Groves
    Dubbing Mixer Graham Wild
    Unit Manager Christina Hamilton
    Production Assistant Elizabeth Toogood
    Field Assistant Len Mummery
    Sound Recordist Nigel Tucker
    Produced by Steve Nicholls
    Executive Producer John Sparks
    Originally broadcast in The Natural World series 1995

    This is the version as aired on BBC in 1995.
    Our thanks to The Natural History Unit for supplying the original master.
    Film upscaled by New Forest Gateway (Media Archive).


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